torek, 25. avgust 2015

Small streams – tenkara style paradise

In Slovenia, we have many small streams just appropriate for those »small stream freakz« who enjoy fishing alone in intact nature and tenkara style using some small nimph or dry fly.  I must admit that i am one of them. I like hidden spots, where you almost climb the rocks from one pool to another and searching for some wild brown or marble trout.

Those spots are just like you would return in time of your childhood, exploring really hidden places and fishing only with a wooden stick and 3 meteres of your fishing line…for sure best experience ever.


ponedeljek, 17. avgust 2015

Flyfishing with hidden paths

In Slovenia we have many river just perfect for a flyfishing. But the last 5 years there is so much preasure by the fishermen  from all over the world, that some rivers can be overfished. Those rivers are Soča, Sava Bohinjka, Idrijca and some others. So you can imagine that fishing on those rivers is very difficult cause fish became so shy that they ignore nimphs and also dry flies, hatches are short like 10 minutes before the dark and so on…
So that is why we fish other rivers also nice green colored with very nice intact nature surrounding. We call it »hidden« rivers, which are mostly fished only by few locals fishermen. Flyfishing at those rivers is like a poetry. Fish are active almost the whole day, they are not shy, so they take nimph or dry very aggresive.

When we flyfish we flyfish with hidden paths.

Flyfishing as a primarily conection with nature

We, the people have survived thousands of years hunting and fishing for food. Actually is in our genes.
In the past hunting and fishing was just for survival, for the community we lived in, but now is more like searching for some outdoor experiences and reconnection with nature. I think that people search more like just being out there, than searching for trophies.
At the end of the day, actually it does not count how many fish did you catch or how big where they. All it counts is a story, made in a intact nature, majestic rivers or small creeks and of course moments of fish taking your flies.

It is best when you make story with us, the hidden paths.